Few days ago, my dear good good friend YT was messaged me and said: " I m keep thinking abt working at SG, if I work there, i can earn more when convert to rm, hv own space etc... but how long should I work there? how much i can save people there friendly? they will treat us as foreigner, more more more, n my qualification, i m nt prof paper holder as tat paper really important for us..."
Haha.. come on my dear good good friend YT, you may thinking too much questions in advance i was though... then i replied her with words: "如果你想去新加坡工作就去啊,我支持你。不过你为什么要想那么多呢?我就是出来一个人生活的人,你那些问题多多少少我都遇过,只是看你如何去调整的。要做多久视乎你在那里的工作环境过得开心没有。人友不友善何必去想了, 那是人的个性,本性难以噢。老友,趁还年轻敢敢去做自己想要做的事情。”
The next minutes, YT replied : " thanks ur advice, i still hv time to consider all that, think like hv supper with u now haha..."
The next day morning, i wrote a new message to YT and told her: "我在想到时你决定去新加坡工作,就是我回想的时候了吧。”
YT was said : " 还久咯,你别那么快离开KL哦。:) "
After that i forget to tell you from my heart that the time is passing fast and there will be happen it in a day soon ....